
Angel, noun, a twelfth century fusion of Old English and Old French, both are from Late Latin angelus, from Greek,angelos, "messenger, envoy, one that announces" 

1): a spiritual being serving God especially as a messenger.
2) : a person who is very good, kind, or beautiful



The word Angel has as many definitions as there are believers though most commonly they are humanoid.. Definitions sometimes describe the duties or powers of an angel and other times describe an angel by its source or composition. Therefor,an angel is either:
     1) one of many different types of light beings, working for a higher power
2) a celestial being who acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth.
     3) a messenger of God
     4) a divine or semi-divine being who is able to work with humanity for a number of purposes
     5) a personification of the concept of holiness
     6) an androgynous being of a light, fast vibration on a high spiritual hierarchy
     9) a spiritual helper for humankind
10) a winged messenger, luminous and closest to God.
11) a high spiritual being appointed by God to guide, protect and help us
 12) in modern spirituality, angels are often seen as energy patterns expressing an angelic hierarchy that is more closely connected to source god then are humans
    In the West, for some unknown reason, angels are most often portrayed as female, even though the scriptures always portray them as male.
   Traditionally Christians have portrayed angels as semi-physical beings. They speculate that they are composed of some spiritual energy that can take various forms. The angel can lower its energy vibrations to make it visible to earthly beings. In Hebrews 13:2 we are told that they may appear to us as beings who were once mortal.It is believed that angels can take forms that are easily recognized, forms that are not frightening. span class="auto-style5">Throughout history angelic beings can be found in the scriptures of the various religions.  The term  "Angelus Occidentalis" has been created  to embrace a number of angelic species found within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism. It is within Zororastrianism, about 1000 BC, that angels were first mentioned.
arious works of Christian theology have devised hierarchies of angelic beings. The most influential Christian angelic hierarchy was that put forward around the turn of the 6th century AD in the book De Coelesti Hierarchia, the Celestial Hierarchy. Angelsare there organized into several orders, or "Angelic Choirs".
     In Christianity, angels are the agents of God .It is almost universally believed that God uses angels to communicate with mortals, the Angel Gabriel informing St. Mary about her son, the Angel Moroni delivering the Gold Plates to Joseph Smith, etc.
   The majority of Christians believe that angels are a separate creation of God, of a higher realm, spiritual beings. Whether angels are a separate creation of simply the spirits of the departed is not made clear in the scriptures. When the book of Genesis describes all of God’s creations angels are not mentioned as a separate catagory. On the other hand there are a number of verses which suggest that angels are a creation separate from mortals. tells us that angels are
 all ministering spirits, created to minister to us mortals. ays that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels.

    The best known Judeo-Christian angel is Satan, who is generally thought of as being evil. But a close examination of the Bible (the primary reference on angels), tells us that Satan was not this being’s name, but his office - the job he was performing. In the Bible the word, is a noun which means adversary or opponent. Whenever a satan appears, he is acting under the orders of God to resist or oppose someone.
    Then there are the fallen engels about wh ich 
 says there are angels which left heaven and are under darknessuntil the last day. Some th ink that these are nowthe demons who torment humanity.

    Whatever an angel may be, a deceased person or a powerful being created by God, too many people have seen them, spoken with them and dealt with them to say that they do not exist.