
Arcana (noun) Latin plural of arcanum "a secret, a mystery," neuter of adjective arcanus "secret, hidden, private, concealed" 

1): secrets or mysteries.

2): either of the two groups of cards in a tarot pack: the twenty-two trump cards (the major arcana ) and the fifty-six suit cards (the minor arcana ).


Arcana is the study of magical phenomena. Occasionally mistaken for a singular and pluralized as arcanas, because arcana is far more common than arcanum.  It also an important word in alchemy, It was often used in reference to the mysteries of the physical and spiritual worlds, subjects of heavy scrutiny and rethinking at the time. Alchemists were commonly said to be pursuing the arcana of nature, as they sought elixirs for changing base metals into gold, prolonging life, and curing disease.


Major Arcana cards are the trump cards of a classic Raider-Waite-inspired tarot deck comprising 78 cards. There are 22 Major Arcana cards, starting with the Fool at zero and 21 numbered cards ending on ‘The World’. The remaining 56 cards constitute the Minor Arcana, which are concerned with the day-to-day aspects of your daily life as opposed to the long-term situations you may experience.  Tarot cards are a tool for introspection. You can use only the 22 Major Arcana cards for a Tarot spread of your choice as yet another means to unravel the physical and spiritual essence of life. If the cards come up during tarot reading, it could be a sign to reflect on the major themes unfolding in your life and the meaning they hold in the large scheme of things.