
          Ascended Master


Ascended Master - an individual, it is believed, who has lived a succession of reincarnations in physical bodies or cosmic beings (beings originated from the great central sun of light in the beginning of all times). Over time, those who have passed through various “embodiments” became highly advanced souls, are able to move beyond the cycles of "re-embodiments" and karma, and attained their "Ascension". It is further claimed by various groups and teachers thart all people will eventually attain aand move forward in spiritual evolution. According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth.

     The concept was originally presented by Helena P. Blavatsky in the 1870s. The idea was adopted by people who had had a connection with the Theosophical movement, such as Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, and Manly P. Hall. Later on, many other organizations, especially in the U.S., expanded upon the concept of Ascended Masters until it became the popular idea, which differs from the original Theosophical teachings in many aspects.                

     Though similar concepts had been applied previously and beings similar to Ascended Masters are found in the spiritual teachings of many faiths, the specific term "Ascended Master" was first used by Phoenix author Baird T. Spalding in 1924 in his series of books, "The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East". Ascended Masters are considered part of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, and members of theGreat Brotherhood of Light, also known as theGreat White Lodge, Great White Brotherhood or Universal White Brotherhood.

    According to Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme there are sixty Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, with Djwhal Khul in a pivotal role as the master who telepathically dictated the many teachings in Baileys' books. By taking "dictations" from them, Elizabeth Clare Prophet revealed, the names of many dozens of additional Ascended Masters who were previously unknown.


The Earliest Ascended Masters

Osiris: Osiris ascended to the afterlife and became "king of the dead" Early versions (prior to 2400 BC) of the Book of the Dead recount that,the end of his life, Osiris dons the body of resurrection, ascends to the heavens and is enthroned as its king for ever and ever. In this capacity, he judges the dead. It it not clear whether he ascended prior to death or not.

Enoch: The oldest scriptural account of an Ascended Master is that of Enoch the father of Methuselah.  The Bible relates that (approximately 2200 BC),  "all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him." (Genesis 5:22) This is usually understood to mean that he ascended to heaven without dying. Hebrew tradition says that he is the appointed guardian of all the celestial treasures, chief of the archangels, knows all secrets and mysteries, and, he teaches and conducts souls to the Paradise.  Islam teaches that, as Idris, Enoch entered paradise while still living.  The  I AM people claim him as one of their ascended masters.

Elijah: The Bible recounts that he was taken bodily up into heaven in a firery chariot about 850 BC. And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.(2 Kings 2:11) Jewish tradition says that he continues as a guardian angel and teacher.

Jesus (40 AD): is, of course, the archetypical Ascended Master. He attained mastership, died and ascended bodily into heaven where he continues to oversee the welfare of humanity.

Three Nephites: (40 AD) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints teaches that three Nephite disciples of Jesus, (as described in the Book of Mormon 3 Nephi 28) were blessed by Jesus to "never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven." There are numerous accounts of individuals meeting these Mormon Ascended Masters.

John the Apostle (100 AD): The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that John received the promise of living until the second coming of Jesus Christ (John 21:21–23),. In 1829 he visited Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and restored the priesthood authority and Apostolic succession to earth.


Koot Hoomi (K. H.) and Morya (M.), The concept of the Mahatmas (also called adepts or Masters)  was originally presented to the West by Helena P. Blavatsky in the 1870s.  At first she talked about them privately, but after a few years two of these adepts, known by their pseudonyms, agreed to maintain a correspondence with a couple of British Theosophists. This communication took place from 1880 to 1885 and has been published under the title of Mahatma Letters. It not claimed that the Mahatmas ever ascended


Djwhal Khul: Alice Bailey in 1919 began writing books she described as being  telepathically dictated to her by Djwhal Khul whom she referred to as "The Tibetan" (later associated with the initials D.K.).  According to Alice Bailey  there are sixty Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, defined as beings who have attained Ascended Mastership, with Djwhal Khul in a pivotal role as the master who telepathically dictated the many esoteric teachings in Baileys' books.

St. Germain:  In 1930, identifying himself as  one of the Theosophical Mahatmas and an eighteenth-century occultist, he alledgedly contacted Guy Ballard during a hike on  California’s Mount Shasta.  Under the name Godfre Ray King,  Ballard popularized the concept of spiritual masters who had once lived on the earth in his book Unveiled Mysteries (1934).  He charged Ballard, a former student of Theosophy, with the task of transmitting the lessons of “the Great Law of Life,” giving rise to what became called “the I AM movement.”  Ballard and his wife Edna soon gained a wide following with their version of St. Germain’s teachings, creating the Saint Germain Foundation in 1932. The I AM movement reached its heyday in the late 1930s.


Hilarion:. The Master Hilarion is believed to have been incarnated as the Apostle Paul of Tarsus. Some have believed that he was the Christian saint Hilarion. TheosophistC.W. Leadbeater rote that the Master Hilarion's primary influence is upon the scientists of the world. Around 1975 he chose John Rodgers to be his disciple.


Sanat Kumara. He was the Zorothurstian deity, also known  as the "Lord of the World", or Ahura Mazda  The I Am group declared him an ascended master in 1937. He is thought by them to be head of the Divine Council. 


El Morya: Mark Prophet, a former student of the Saint Germain Foundation, in 1958 claimed he was commissioned by “the Ascended Master El Morya” to transmit the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood through an organization called the Summit Lighthouse.  Through "dictations" from them, the names of many dozens of previously unknown were revealed. Upon Mark Prophet’s death in 1973, leadership of the organization was taken over by his second wife, Elizabeth Clare Prophet.  She changed its name to the Church Universal and Triumphant. In 1999, Prophet retired from her activities with the church; she died in 2009 


Serapis Bey. Adherents of the Acended Master Teachings believe that Serapis Bey, after being killed as Leonidas in the battle of Thermopylae, immediately reembodied as Phidias (480 BC) the greatest of all classical Greek sculptors, becoming an Ascended Master about 400 BCIn the teachings of Alice Bailey  the fourth ray is called the ray of harmony through conflict.  Those who have contacted him consider him to deal in discipline.

Maha Chohan: Also known as the Lord of Civilization, Chief of all the Masters.


    Today, largely as a result of the I AM movement and the Prophets’ activities, the idea of the Ascended Masters is prevalent throughout the New Age movement. Countless channels and organizations have since co-opted the terms: Ascended Masters, White Brotherhood and I Am teachings.   And now  literally hundreds of "ascended masters claimed by various groups and channels. Many are aliens from other star systems.



