I AM Movement
 The "I AM" Movement is the original Ascended Master Teachings religious movement founded in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard (aka Godfry Rey King) and his wife Edna,  It is an offshoot of The movement had up to a million followers in 1938 and is still active today on a smaller scale. According to the official website of the parent organization, the Saint Germain Foundation, its worldwide headquarters is located in Schaumburg, Illinois, and there are.. approximately 300 local groups worldwide under several variations of the names "I AM" Sanctuary, "I AM" Temple, and other similar titles. As of 2007, the organization states that its purpose is "spiritual, educational and practical," and that no admission fee is charged for their activities. The term "I AM" is a reference to the ancient Sanskrit mantra "So Ham", meaning "I Am that I Am."  Ballard claimed to have met St. Germain on Mt. Shasta, where he was taken inside the mountain and shown the White Brotherhood.  He is the author of 20 volumes of material channeled from the White Brotherhood.
I Ching

The I Ching or Yi Jing (usually translated as Book of Changes) is an ancient Chinese divination text and among the oldest. Traditional Chinese divination method that involves tossing three identical coins or objects six times and using the patterns they form to receive answers to personal questions from the I Ching or Book of Changes. Originally a divination manual in the Western Zhou period (1000–750 BC), over the centuries it was transformed into a spiritual text with a series of philosophical commentaries. After becoming part of the Five Classics in the 2nd century BC, the I Ching was the subject of scholarly commentary and the basis for divination for  centuries across the Far East, and eventually in Western understanding of Eastern thought. At the basis of the system are apparently random numbers. Six numbers between 6 and 9 are turned into a hexagram, which can then be looked up in the text, in which hexagrams are arranged in an order known as the King Wen sequence. The interpretation of the readings found in the I Ching (following its compilation) has been endlessly discussed and debated over in the centuries. Many commentators have used the book symbolically, often to provide guidance for moral decision making. The hexagrams themselves have often acquired cosmological significance and been paralleled with many other traditional names for the processes of change.


Iblis (Arabic, probably from Greek diabolos, "devil") The Islamic version of Satan) A complex demonic figure, understood as the fallen angel, the tempter, and the head of the hosts of devils. As an angel, he pridefully refused God's command to bow down before the newly created man Adam and thus was cursed and banished from Paradise. Until the Day of Judgment Iblis will lead the legions of devils in tempting humans to do evil. His major act of cunning was to persuade Adam and Eve to disobey God and eat of the tree of immortality in the Garden, which resulted in their consignment to earthly existence.
Icon (Greek, "image," "portrait") A visual representation of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, angels, individual saints, or events of sacred history, especially in Byzantine and Orthodox Christianity. Varying in size from small portable to wall-size icons, these sacred images were made of mosaic or painted colors, never carved or sculpted.
Iconoclast (Greek, "inage breaker") One who attacks and exposes the error of religious dogma or that attacks the use of images in worship.
Ida An astral or etheric tube or channel which conducts the Shakti force of the Kindalini.. This subtle female energy coils around the central spinal column and intertwines with the Shiva force in its opposite polarity known as Pingala.  Ida terminates in the left nasal sinus.
Idol (Greek eidolon, "image") A pejorative term designating, narrowly, any three-dimensional or sculpted figure, or, more broadly, any bas-relief or painting, mosaic, or mural of a figure representing a god or goddess and used in religious practices. The figure can be in human or animal or other form, including mixed human and animal. Most world religions --ancient and modern, oriental and occidental--view such images as proper representations of divine beings to be the focus during worship. By contrast, some religions--Hebraism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--ban all representation of God in any form.
Idolatry Idolatry is the adoration, prayer, or worshipof an image. It is only an issue among the Protestants and Moslems. In a loose sense, idolatry does not necessitate a material image nor a religious system. It can be anything that takes the place of God: a car, a job, money, a person, a desire, etc. 
Ikhnaton See: Akhenaton
Illuminati ( from the Latin - lluminatur, “enlightened.”) 
1) A rationalistic society founded in Germany soon after 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a  professor of canon law.. 
Originally promoted free thought and democratic political theories. It had close affinities with the Freemasons and seemingly was organized on a Masonic plan. For ten years it was very popular among German rationalists, but as a society it had limited influence. The Roman Catholic Church, which Weishaupt left in his youth and rejoined before his death, condemned the Illuminati; in 1785 the Bavarian government dissolved the organization, believing it was secretly trying to take over monarchies. All members were arrested except for Weishaupt who fled, and is believed by some to have escaped to America.  Many people today believe that Weishaupt recreated the society in America and that today it is the power behind all the world's governments and giant corporations.
2) In Spain and Italy in the 15th cent. the term Illuminati referred to persons believed to hold supernatural mental powers.
3)  an order of Freemasons called Illuminati
4)Other groups using the name have included a mystical sect that flourished in the 16th cent, in Spain and France, the original Rosicrucians, and certain followers of Boehme and Swedenborg. 
Imam  (Arabic, "leader") A leader of Muslim ritual prayers and, occasionally, a title for an authoritative religious scholar. By extension, this quranic term evolved to refer also to the overall head of the Muslim community. While Shia Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad designated Ali as the first Imam, initiating a tradition of hereditary succession, continuing leadership, and spiritual authority, Sunni Muslims have held to choice by consensus, citing the selection of Abu Bakr as the first caliph. Thus, the two groups have differed in history over the choice of the imam, his status, and the nature of his custodial role.
Imbolc Pagan holiday or Wiccan sabbat, celebrated on or about February. 2.
Immaculate Conception A Roman Catholic doctrine about Mary's sinlessness, declared as a divinely revealed dogma by Pope Pius IX (1854) that she was from conception, by the singular grace of God, free from all stain of original sin. The feast day is celebrated December 8.
Immortality Life without death anytime in the future.  Not exactly the same as eternal.  Eternal means without beginning or end.  Immortal allows for a beginning.
Unchangeableness. That which is truly real.  God is immutable.  Immutability  means that God does not vary or change in any way.  Mormonism irnores the immutability of God and says that God was not always God, that he was once a man on another planet who became a God.
Inanna: (Sumerian, "Mistress of Heaven")
The Sumerian goddess of love and war, identified with the Akkadian Eshtar (Ishtar). Her name reflects her identity as Venus, both morning and evening star; her father is either the sky god or the moon god, her brother the sun god. Her main cult center was Uruk (biblical Erech), but her worship, as a hymn proclaims, was universal. Her character was complex: bloodthirsty warrior (battle was her dance), willful girl, fickle lover. She is married but also the harlot, and her cult seems to have been in part orgiastic, staffed by eunuchs, transvestites, and homosexuals.
The spoken part of a spell
In Christian theology, when God became a man, taking on the physical nature of Jesus, creating the second person of the Trinity, an addition of human nature to the nature of God. The doctrine is of vital importance to the Christian.  This doctrine says only God could pay for sins, therefore, God became man to die for our sins which is the atonement.  (Contrast with Kenosis.) 
Aromatic herb or wood made into a fine powder to be burned for enjoyment of its pleasant fragrance; used as an offering at rituals or during religious ceremonies.
Incubus: (noun) plural is incubi, from Late Latin incubus, from Latin incubo "nightmare, one who lies down“  from incubare "to lie upon"
  :imaginary being or demon, credited with causing nightmares and having sex with women in their sleep
Indra: (Sanskit, "virile power")
Lord of heaven and king of the gods in Vedism and Hinduism. As the warrior god of the Indo-Aryans in their invasion of the Indian subcontinent, he is the supreme god of the Rig Veda, where he is invoked to help his human allies conquer their enemies, called Dasas ("slaves") or Panis, indigenous people assimilated to demons and said to have stolen cows from the Aryans and hidden them in a cave; in retrieving the cows, Indra also finds the sun. As god of rain, with the phallic thunderbolt for his weapon, he kills Vritra, the serpent demon of drought, and he is invoked for the fecundity of humans and animals. In later Hinduism he endures in mythology but is no longer worshiped.
In Christianity, the remission of public penace imposed on a sinner by the church; in later Catholicism, the Church's remission of punishment in purgatory due to sin in view of prayers or good works done by a penitent. Misunderstandings and abuses of this practice were widely noted in the late Middle Ages and became one of the causes of the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Germany.
Inerrancy, Biblical:    
The Christian belief that the Bible is free from error. In its most extreme form inerrancy insists that although the Bible is not primarily a book of history, geography, or science, when it speaks of these matters it is free from error of any sort. The contention is that if error is admitted at any point a similar claim could be made at every point. Total inerrancy is usually limited, in theory, to the original manuscripts (autographs), but in practice it is often applied to the particular translation used by a community committed to inerrancy, for example, the Vulgate for Roman Catholics until recently, and the King James Version for fundamentalist Protestants.   A more moderate form of inerrancy maintains that freedom of error is limited to matters of faith and practice, allowing for human conditioning with respect to historical, geographical, and scientific details that do not pertain to salvation. Proponents of this position sometimes adopt the term infallibility rather than inerrancy. This distinction is not used consistently. The notions of inerrancy or infallibility have direct import not only on theological issues but on the authority of the biblical texts for contemporary ethical and moral issues.
Roman Catholic doctrine, proclaimed at the First Vatican Council (1869-70) that an official proclamation directed to the entire Church by the pope on matters of faith and morals contains no errors.
Infant Baptism:
The practice within some Christian groups of baptizing newborn or young children, rather than only adults. When the child reaches the age of accountability, it must vow faith in Christ and commitment to the Christian church. Infant baptism has been a recurrent source of controversy in Christian history, especially during the time of the Reformation.
A ritual sewing or stapling together of the labia of the genitals so as to prevent sexual intercourse. A feature in women's puberty ceremonies.
Infralapsarianism: (noun) from Latin "after the fall." 
An issue within Reformed Christian theology dealing with predestination.  It tries to explain what may have happened in God's mind regarding his logical order in considering whom to elect into salvation before the foundation of the world. Their position is that God first decided he would allow sin into the world and second that he would then save people from it.  By contrast, the supralapsarian ("before the fall") position holds that God first decided that he would save some people and then second that he would allow sin into the world.  
1)An event, or doorway, that acts as an expansion or transformation of a person's consciousness. An initiate's consciousness has to some degree been transformed so that he now perceives reality from a higher perspective. There are many types of initiation, either of spiritual or social nature. 2) a ritual that elevates an individual to a higher office in a social or religious organization .(See Spiritual  Initiation)
Inner Light:
Concept promulgated by Quaker theologian Robert Barclay (1648-90) in Apology for the True Christian Religion (1678). It is the certitude of inward knowledge and confidence in the Holy Spirit within the Christian that negates the need for or authority of external agencies, whether the sacraments, ordained ministry, or the Bible.
Inner Peace:

Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the possible presence of stressing factors. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious, and is considered to be a state in which our mind performs at an optimal level with a positive outcome. Peace of mind is thus generally associated with blisshappiness and contentment. Peace of mind, serenity, and calmness are descriptions of a disposition free from the effects of stress. In some cultures, inner peace is considered a state of consciousness or enlightenment that may be cultivated by various forms of training, such as breathing exercisesprayermeditationtai chi or yoga, for example. Many spiritual practices refer to this peace as an experience of knowing oneself.

Inner Peace Movement:(IPM)
 IPM was founded in 1964 by Dr. Francisco Coll and others -  to help searchers  help themselves through the establishment of a clear two-way communication with their personal guides (or angels). 
Inner Self:
Refers to the inner divinity from which the being and personality evolve. The Unconscious, the Subconsicous, the Higher Self,  The Christ.
A Roman Catholic tribunal that conducted ecclesiastical legal proceedings to identify and punish heretics. The first Inquisition was established in 1229.
Inquisition, Spanish:
A series of official Roman Catholic investigations, lasting from 1479 to 1814, to identify and condemn heretics, witches and Jewish or Muslim converts to Christianity who continued to practice their original religion. In the sixteenth century, its scope was expanded to include Protestants.
Inspiration: (noun) from Middle English enspire, from Old French inspirer, from Latin inspirare ‘breathe or blow into’ from in- ‘into’ + spirare ‘breathe’.
The belief that human actions of extraordinary insight, worth or power are due to inspiration - an inflow of psychic force,  life-giving breath.
Institute of Noetic Sciences: (noun) from Greek word nous, meaning "mind."
Founded by Edgar Mitchell in 1973 with 55,000 members worldwide.  Teaches and researches healing through mind power. 
In magick and affirmation, the focus of the mind, the sense of purpose that leads to action.
The actions taken by one person on behalf of another, usually to rectify some form of religious offense.
Interconnectedness, Interdependence:
Words are used by New Agers to describe the oneness and essential unity of everything in the universe. All of reality is viewed as interdependent and interconnected.
International Society for Krishna Consciousness: (See ISKCON)
International Society of Divine Love:(ISDL)
Founded by H.D. Prakashanand Saraswati, Hindu-based organization teaching Bhakti  Yoga.
International Society for Krishna Consciousness:(ISKCON)
Founded by A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada. A Hindu  religion which worships Lord Krishna and uses the Bhagavad-Gita.
Investigative Judgment:
A unique doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. First taught in  by Hiram Edson, F.B. Hahn, and O.R.L. Crosier. it was accepted as doctrine after it was confirmed and taught in visions received by Ellen G. White.  The doctrine teaches that in the Holy of Holies in the Heavenly Sanctuary Christ is now conducting an investigation into the lives of all who have ever professed belief in him. He is judging all their works, by the standard of God�s Law. All those whose lives fail to measure up to the standard of the Law are rejected and condemned as not having true faith. Those whose lives meet that standard and thus manifest the perfect character and righteousness of Christ are recognized as having true faith, and so their sins are "blotted out."  
The bringing of a divine power from the exterior into a ritual or magickal working through chant or prayer. An invocation is generally an acknowledgement of the deity and a request that they be present for the working.
A science developed by Ignatz Peczeky involving the study of the iris of the eye as a diagnostic tool to reveal health or disorders in the human body. It is based on the premise that the nerves, muscle fibers and blood vessels in the iris are connected to corresponding locations in the body.
One of the characters, whose elements contributed to the building up of the myth of Jesus in the first centuries of the Christian era.
Ishtar: (Akkadian, "The goddessb Isis")
The goddess par excellence of the Sumero-Babylonian pantheon. She was fused with the Sumerian Inanna, "Lady of Heaven," and with the West Semitic Astarte (and Attar). Sexual and warlike, terrestrial and astral, Ishtar was associated with fertility and identified with the planet Venus.
Isis: (Greek, from  the Egyptian "Ast")
An ancient Egyptian goddess of great power, wife and sister of Osiris and mother of Horus. After Osiris's murder by Seth, she collected his dismembered body and through her magic restored him to life in the hereafter. She was best known as a protective Mother Goddess, depicted as a falcon or a woman with outstretched wings. (See Goddess, Nepthys)
Acronym for International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
A world religion based on the teachings and life of Muhammad (570-632 AD) in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia (then Persia). Islam is the second largest world religion, and has recently become the third largest religious body in America.  Islam is composed of two major divisions: the mainstream Sunni (the largest) and the more radical Shiiites.  The mystical tradition of Sufism includes many Sunnis and some Shiiites.  The Arabic word Islam means "submission to the will of God" and a person who submits is called a Muslim.  The Quran (or, Koran), the Torah, the Psalms of the Old Testament, and the Gospel of the New Testament are regarded as holy books.  However, only the Quran is considered uncorrupted.  While many Muslims exhibit tolerance towards other faiths, even today Islamic fundamentalism promotes jihad (holy war), against those of other religious and political views.
One of the characters, whose elements contributed to the building up of the myth of Jesus in the first centuries of the Christian era.