Errors in Christianity

1800 years ago there were many different kinds of Christian churches. There were the Gnostics, the Jerusalem Church, the Egyptian churches. and various Jewish and Pagan groups that had adopted many doctrines associated with Christianity. They did not all believe the same things.

Today's Christian churches are by comparison, much more uniform, having developed from the Roman Catholic Church which came into existence in the fourth century when the Emperor united all the religions in the Empire. 


For the sake of this article, we labeling today's Christians as the Jesus Sect, to distinguish them from the original Christians. They have made the world think they are the ONLY Christians . This page exists to showthe errors they have introduced into Christianity.

 They place most of their faith in a book

     Most of today's Jesus religions base faith, not on reason or a personal experience with God, but on a book!  A book that has been handed down generation after generation, but  no one knows who wrote it or where it came from. 

     In the Book of Acts, Paul was teaching the Gentiles but Peter was against this  because it was not written in the Torah. Christians today will not accept anything new from God unless they can find it in the Bible.

     In other words, they do what  Peter did: They put more faith in a book than in revelation.  This worship of a book is called bibliolatry. 

      When Jesus wanted to insult someone, he called them lawyers. Most of today's Christians treat the bible as a law book and, like lawyers, they split hairs and twist and warp the words to mean what they choose. 

      Do you believe the Bible is greater than God? ? 


They seem to believe that God makes mistakes

       According to the basic teachings of the Jesus Sect, God committed a number of  mistakes at creation:

 God's first mistake?

He thought he had made man perfect (in God's image and likeness) but man was not perfect. He did not perfect choices. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,  but Adam disobeyed God and ate it anyway. A perfect being would not have done this.

God's second mistake

Rather than simply erase Adam's sin, he caused it to be passed on from generation to generation - to innocent people who had nothing to do with Adam's decision.

God's third mistake

God came up with a long, complicated plan in which he would get his only begotten son killed and this would somehow atone for all the sins the world would erver commit.

God's fourth mistake

He did not enact this plan immediately,  but waited for over 4000 years.  During which time millions of souls died in sin, a problem for which th Jesus Sect can offer no solution.

Do you believe that God makes mistakes?


They say that Jesus is God - his own father
   The Jesus Sect, in its Trinity Doctrine, says that Jesus is actually God.

      In the Fourth Century they invented a complex and chaotic doctrine to explain how Jesus could be both the son of God and God himself. They teach that Mary was a child of God and that God begot himself, Jesus, through her (the Bible actually say that Jesus was the son of the Holy Ghost.

      At the Jordan River, after he is baptized by John, Jesus (God) sees the Holy Spirit of God descending from the sky and a voice from heaven (God) says, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased."

     This is a chaotic doctrine and, in the Bible, Jesus disagrees with it. 

    "As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"" Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone."  (Mark 10:17-18)


They believe that Jesus has to return again

     Surprisingly this doctrine was not always a part of Christianity. Originally many Christians believed that Jesus only channeled Christ, that Christ spoke through him. Jesus referred to Christ as his Father, or his Father in Heaven.  The early Christians believed that when one reached a high level of faith, Christ would make his presence known to them in the same way. To make ones presence known was aknown asparousiaa (παρουσία), the "appearance and subsequent presencee"  This word was stretched to mean "a coming"..

      Among the early Christians a group arose that believed in the Pagan Greek teachings that God begat a child with a mortal and that this child was the Christ. Through ignorance or deliberate error, the expression "Christ making his presence known" was interpreted to mean the second "coming of Christ.""

      For centuries the Jesus Sect has been awaiting this "Second Coming" of Jesus, confusing it with the parousia of Christ. And for over 1000 years, various teachers have claimed annually that he was coming THAT year! And every single time they have been wrong. Because the coming of Christ (the parousia) is a spiritual event that can happen to each individual at any time - not a rapture, the whole world (at least the true believers) being caught up into the sky.  


They have confused paradise with heaven

     The Jesus Sect, in its teachings, says that some people go to heaven when they die. They have confused Paradise with heaven.  If Paradise and Heaven were the same thing, that would mean that Adam and Eve dwelt in Heaven! They did not. The Bible teaches that when we die we go to Hell,. which is divided into two parts : Paradise and Prison. No where in the Bible does it say that anyone besides Christ ever went to Heaven..


They believe that heaven is up in the sky somewhere

      The Jesus relgions believe that God dwells somewhere up in the sky. If this is so, why haven't we ever seen it in our telescopes? This error is based on their failure to understand Greek and Hebreww - the languages tin which he Bible was written in..

    The Hebrew wordd "shamayimm" and the Greek word "uranos" are translated "heaven" in the King James Bible.  But ehese words heach asvethree different meanings: (1)the place where birds and clouds fly, (2)the starry heavens, and  (3) the place where God dwells (St Paul called this the third heaven)  

       Do you believe that God dwells up in the sky, or up in a high mountain??