Psychic Attack
Psychic Attack is negative energy emitted by physical or non-physical beings which inflicts harm or distress on the emotional, physical, spiritual or mental level.

     If you believe that you are the target of the magick or psychic attack, your best bet is to ignore it and know that you are always safe. In most cases, if you think you are under psychic attack, chances are you are not. However, on rare occasions psychic attack does occur. When it does occur, it is most likely that the attack is a manifestation of the attacker's anger and rage and not a calculated magical act.

     The first thing you should do, is try to ignore it. In most cases, if you pay it no attention and do nothing in response, it will go away. Many people find it difficult to do nothing. For them our best advise is to simply:tell it to leave! If that sounds simple, it is.It is so simple that it works and can work quite powerfully. If you still feel the need to do something, purchase several reversing candles (red candles coated in black), annoint them with reversing oil, place them as close to the head of your bed as you can safely do and burn them for several days.  That should do the trick.  If this does not satify you, try a banishing ritual and the I.O.B. Technique.

      The "I" stands for "identify." The first thing to do is identify the true source of the problem. The "O" stands for "objectify." This is done by giving a shape to the source, if it does not already have a shape. The technique requires that you make a visualized mock-up of it, to be used as a basis for visualization.  The image is not absolutely required. All you have to do is visualize it.  Visualize it as strongly as possible.
     Now take out a knife. and visualize numerous strands of energy, like white sinews, stretching out around the subject of the attack.  Step forward and start cutting those cords - like a hot knife going through butter. Saw back and forth to sever them.
    Once they are severed, step between the victim and the attacker. Now visualize  pentagrams (or crosses) flying into the attacker.
     Finally, do the "B," or.- i.e. perform the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram around the victim. (The instructions for this technique and the Banishing Ritual can be found on the web or in Michael Kraig's book, Modern Magick. .If all else fails, (or perhaps before you try anything else) .find someone you can trust, who is knowledgable in this field, and ask them to help and guide you. The very presence of such a person can soothe you and calm your mind. Avoid anyone who charges for this service.