Psychic Surgery
Psychic surgery is the performance of "paranormal surgery", in which the body appears to be opened and closed using the bare hands as surgical instruments. Patients remain fully conscious and allegedly experience no pain. While some observed surgeries remain unexplain-
ed, many more have been exposed as fraud, accom-plished by sleight-of-hand tricks normally used by stage magicians.
   Psychic surgery received much Western media attention in the 1960s and 1970s, prompting thous-ands of sufferers to seek treatment in the Philip-pines and Brazil, where psychic surgery was easily available.
   Some patients have re-ported cures that are sup-ported by medical diag-nosis, but many more have not been cured.
    The 'tumors' re-moved from patients have been found to be chicken or pig organs, other lumps of ani-mal flesh, or balls of cotton wool palmed by the surgeon.  Kidney stones have been exposed as ordinary pebbles. Animal blood is concealed in little plastic bags in the palm or in false thumbs; in some cases the blood is already congealed when it allegedly spurts out of the patient.
   Using the blood, wads of cotton, and sheets for diversion, the appearance of penetration can be created by folding the knuckles against the skin.
   Many psychic surgeons demonstrate on obese patients, whose fatty skin is easy to manipulate.
    If patients complain of pain, no cures, or other postoperative problems, psychic surgeons often blame them on the spirits, past-life karma, or a lack of harmony between the patient, healer, and magnetic vibrations in the room.
   There is true psychic healing with mild body contact that is often called "psychic surgery". All this highly advertised theatrical stuff ( the blood and bofy penetration) is fraud.