Spiritual Anatomy
Spiritual Anatomy embraces and describes the subtle bodies - the various layers of vibrating energy that make up a human being beyond the obvious physical layer. They are intangible layers that seem to surround the physical body and creat the aura. Although they cannot be seen by the physical eyes (with the exception of the etheric body), they can be seen psychically or with the aid of Kirlian photography.


Astral Body



Etheric Body

Higher Self




Raising Kundalini

Subtle Bodies



As you move outwards from the physical body, each subtle body vibrates at a slightly faster vibration than the one before it. So the etheric body is faster than the physical and the emotional body is faster than the etheric body, etc. Each of these different layers of energy, including the physical body, interpenetrates the others to work as a complete system.  If you could see psychically, you’d see photons - living particles of colored light that the human body emits – this is your aura


Various philosophical systems describe as many as seven bodies: three physical, three spiritual, and the astral connecting them.   For the sake of clarity and simplicity  we represent them  as three levels  beyond the physical: the etheric, the astral and spirit. The astral body is the bridge between the physical and the

spiritual. These bodies, though connected, dwell in their own extended worlds. As each layer extends outwards, it vibrates at a higher rate. So the etheric body vibrates at a much lower frequency then the astral body. Energy can be transmuted between all bodies


Just as our physical body is composed of many organs and control elements, each with its own function. Even so, within our subtle body system, there are many energy foci or centers each connected to others.

The Linga Sharira is the invisible double of the human body, often referred to as the etheric body, doppelgänger or bioplasmic body and is a mirror of the physical body. Each vehicle changes as changes are made to the other vehicle. The linga sarira can be separated or projected a  distance from the body. When separated from the body it can handle physical objects and can easily be seen in the physical world  When wounded by a sharp object, the wound will be reflected in the physical body,  At death, it is discarded together with the physical body and eventually disintegrates or decomposes.

The Mayavi-rupa is the astral body and is the vehicle of both unconscious thought and of the emotions and desires, drawing at one and the same time from them.

Spirit is eternal, unchangeable and ever-present, external to time and space.